You've got me chained to your love as if it would be a crime to quit.
I buy into your lies like I've got money to spend and time to waste.
If I were a part of your story, I'd want to be the final chapter.
Sometimes, loving you has me feeling trapped, and I can either watch my life go by or start planning my escape.
We all have our greatest moments in life, and you just happen to be mine.
Pretty words will only get you so far when they're tinged with lies.
When you told me goodbye, I kept playing back the desperation in my voice...and the finality in yours.
The only time you'd have me screaming your name, is if I'm cursing it.
You rolled into my life like thunder and then just like a flash of lightning, you were gone.
I told myself I'd never fall the way some people do and risk getting hurt but then... you happened.
You're standing there, close enough for me to touch you but just far enough away to make you unreachable.
You're pouring your lies on me like rain, and one more drop just might drown me.
It's like you're a dare I always have to take.
Loving you is like a dead end street... destined for nowhere.
You've got me hanging on the edge with you, one kiss and I'm sure to fall.
I'd rather have your fingerprints on my soul than to never have been touched by you.
If raindrops were kisses, I'd storm all over you.
I fell into your web of deceit and I've been tangled in your lies ever since.
I would never trade a heated fight with you for a passionless kiss from somebody else.
You're like an open book, and I'm loving every line.
Control is better when lost.
I'm in over my head with you... but I'd rather drown than lose you.
You're always gonna be the one I want, but you're never gonna be the one I get.
We're all victims of love... some just fall harder.
Fighting for you was the battle but actually holding onto you is the war.
Sinful kisses are best when received from the innocent.
I keep wishing on stars that one day you're going to be mine but like the stars- you're just never going to be within my reach.
You've got me tied up in a love that I have no intention of getting loose from.
You have a way of starting a fire with just a simple touch, and tonight I feel like getting burned.

When I leave you all I want to do is hit pause, press rewind, and play on.

I guess it turns out I'll always be haunted by you. Your whispers will forever be tangled in my head, your kisses will always burn upon my lips, and your love will never let me rest in peace.

You say you're going to consider forgiving him for his lies. You say you're going to consider forgiving him for his secrets. The only thing I think you should consider... is yourself warned.

Sometimes, darkness rolls over you like the sun setting on a perfect day. It was bright for a while, but then it slowly fades to black.

You lay your lies down like rain falling on the pavement, and you've got me slipping on each and every one....

You lied to me about everything we had from day one and the sad part is, if you were to swear to me right now that you were sorry... I'd believe you.

I'm fuelled by love and driven by passion, and you're sitting right there beside me in the passenger seat.

You were a beautiful mistake... like a first class ticket to heartbreak.

If you were an ocean, I'd drown in you, if you were a star, I'd shine with you, if you were a lie, I'd believe you.

You run your mouth like you run stoplights- you don't care who you take down in your path.

I'm addicted to your whispers, intoxicated by your kiss and wasted from your touch.

If all you are is a lesson to learn, then by all means... teach me.

You're like a sea of flames, and suddenly I'm in the mood to play with fire.

If everyone were to abide by the rule "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all", the world would be a pretty damn silent place.

I've got a feeling our love story is going to end with "the end" instead of "happily ever after."

The way you lie is so beautiful that you made a believer out of me.

You're like the thunder to my rain... you roll into my life, and I'm forever falling with you.

I don't miss the way you touched me 'cause you never felt me, I don't miss the way we talked 'cause you never listened but most of all, I don't miss the way you loved me... 'cause you never did.

Secrets are like quicksand- they'll pull you under before you can get out.

You take my happily ever after's and turn them into darkened endings. You're not a prince, you're a twisted fairytale.

Promises are meant to be broken like lies are meant to be believed.
You've got me falling for you already, and you haven't even tripped over me yet.

You will always be the one I want, the touch I need. From now until forever, it's you. Your love, in a word, is... timeless.

It's ironic how everything you touch turns to gold, and yet the minute you touch me, I fall apart.

We expect life to go smooth and fall into place like we want it to. We plan, we hope for the perfect kind of life... the thing is though, the world doesn't always play by the rules.

Some love stories are endless, some are fairytales and others... should never have been written.

No matter how I try, I'll never be what you want 'cause while you're a mix of flawless and perfection, I'm just a mess of mistakes and regrets.

Love is like war- you either give it all you've got or you die trying.

I'd like to think I have forever to spend with you, but time is our enemy 'cause no matter what, it always runs out....

Just like a game, you played me, but just like the loser you are... you'll never win me.

You cut all the ties between us and shattered everything we had and yet, my love for you is still unbroken.

You're just a sinner with the smile of a saint.

You've got me bound by chains and trapped by your love, but I'd rather be a prisoner of your love than nothing at all.

I don't want someone that I can live with... I want someone that I'd die without.

You're the kind of thought I love to get lost in.

I want you to be the thunder to my rain, crashing together... falling forever.

You're like fairytales and sunshine... hard to believe and destined to fade....

You made yourself the only key to my heart, locked it and walked away.

Lock me up, I'm a slave to your love. Make me do hard time, no parole, no mercy.

You're my silence in a world full of screaming madness.

I want to love someone with the certainty that I couldn't imagine the day I would stop.

You're like a game I need to win, 'cause like a game of tag, you're it.

Love isn't who you can imagine your life with, it's who you can't imagine it without.

There's thunder in my heart and there's lightning in your touch. Together, we could make the perfect storm.

You may not remember what someone said, what you heard, what you did, but you'll never forget the way something made you feel.

Nothing holds more power than a word. They can break you, make you happy or sad. They're spoken from every emotion possible... love, regret, anger... but they say the most when not spoken at all.

Fairytales teach us a lot when you think about it. They teach us to believe in fate, in miracles. They teach us that there's good in the most unlikely places and the most unlikely people. Remember, there was even beauty in the beast.

I want a little madness in this love. Love me recklessly, shamelessly. Love me like it would be a sin to stop.

You think you're a broken melody, a lifeless song. But to me, you're a symphony.

Every saint has a secret and every villain has a story.

I'd rather be misunderstood. My heart and soul beating to it's own black drum. Lace my world with haunting music and Gothic castles. Forget normalcy. I want magic. I want majestic wonder. I want wild. I want untamed.

Love weakens you... not in the sense of not being in control. It weakens your soul enough to let love in.

Hug me so tight you leave marks. Kiss me so hard you draw blood. Leave me locked under your key. Yes, when you leave I want to know you own me.

You can either laugh with the sinners or lie with the saints. In the end, we're all guilty of something. Some just hide it better.

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